Robby (Cowboy VC) & Tim (Essence VC)
Developer Tooling

Episode 70: Making Distributed Systems More Accessible With Diagrid

AUTHOR: Robby (Cowboy VC) & Tim (Essence VC)

Mark Fussell & Yaron Schneider are Co-founders of Diagrid, the platform that simplifies and provides access to the power of distributed systems. Diagrid's founders co-created open source Dapr which Diagrid provides a fully managed service on top of. Dapr has over 20K stars and works on any language or framework.

Diagrid has raised over $24M from investors including Norwest Venture Partners and Amplify.

In this episode, we discuss contributors rather than stars as a strong engagement metric, why Open Core wasn't the right business model for Diagrid, learnings for other open source founders & more!

Full episode here

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